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WordPress Website Design & Development Best Packages Plan & Pricing2023-12-28T11:29:56+00:00

Custom WordPress Business Website Design

WordPress Website Design & Development Best Packages Plan & Pricing

We offers the best WordPress website design & development Packages in affordable budget. The business website is now the backbone and the infrastructure around which you build your business.

  • Custom Website design

  • All Final Master Files

  • Unlimited Revision

  • 24/7 Design Consultancy

  • 100% Ownership Rights

  • 100% Money Back Guareentee
Harness Your Social Proof

Get your business noticed with
Artimization Web Design Services

Website Development in view of your client. Modern website style is more required than making an appealing website. Thought of client experience, search engine optimization, usability, and specialized details are only a couple of components that are associated with building up a website that is intended to perform in the present focused market place.


  • 10 Keywords
  • Minimum Contract Duration: 6 Months
  • SEO Strategy And Plan: Yes
  • Critical SEO Analysis:Yes
  • Keyword Analysis:Yes
  • Baseline Ranking Check:Yes
  • Content Duplicacy Check:Yes
  • Mobile Usibility Check:Yes
  • Back Link Analysis:Yes
  • Mobile Usability Check:Yes


  • 25 Keywords
  • Minimum Contract Duration: 6 Months
  • SEO Strategy And Plan:Yes
  • Critical SEO Analysis:Yes
  • Keyword Analysis:Yes
  • Baseline Ranking Check:Yes
  • Content Duplicacy Check:Yes
  • Mobile Usibility Check:Yes
  • Back Link Analysis:Yes
  • Mobile Usability Check :Yes
  • Competitor Analysis: 2 Competitors


  • 50 Keywords
  • Minimum Contract Duration: 6 Months
  • SEO Strategy And Plan:Yes
  • Critical SEO Analysis
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Baseline Ranking Check
  • Content Duplicacy Check
  • Mobile Usibility Check
  • Back Link Analysis
  • Mobile Usability Check
  • Competitor Analysis: 5 Competitors

More than 1000 business owners have recommended our SEO services.

Marketing Expert

SEO Pricing & Plans

Need More Information?

Want to speak with an
SEO strategist? Reach us here!
CALL US:+923111193111
EMAIL: [email protected]


Targetting the audience as
per your requirements

One SEO formula cannot fit all businesses. SENDINOR SEO
Pricing and services work for three different segments.

International SEO

On your favourite search engine, we will optimize your website. research for every targeted country and work to attract potential clients.

Local SEO

Local business is as important as international. It can take a major part of your revenue. To increase your market share we optimize your website.

E-Commerce SEO

From a pin to a car or house we can help you sell everything online. Your inventory will turn into money within 6 months with our Ecommerce SEO services.

Finding Ecommerce
To Sell your Products?

SENDINOR offers a full-suite of Ecommerce business development service, including procedure, incorporations, migration and obviously the working of results driven online stores. We additionally give continuous 24×7 help and support to keep your website live for business and ready to generate income consistently.

New Marketing Leaders

Grow your traffic

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Increase your sales

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Sales Chart


Successful Rate

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Marketing Firm

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.



Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus.

Andreas Casey Client

“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”

Andreas Casey

Marketing Consultant Expert

Are you confused to understand which is the best SEO pricing package to buy in 2023 for your company?2023-12-27T15:47:18+00:00

Don’t worry, we have an answer to your question. If you are a startup company then the best SEO package in USA to start with is $299. In this package, you will get 5 quality keywords to get ranked on any geography you wish to acquire your potential customer.

However, if you want to acquire a high volume of potential customers/traffic for your business then we would highly recommend you to buy our Platinum package which cost you just $849.

If I invest in SEO, But Not In SEM, What will be the ROI?2023-12-27T15:45:56+00:00

Good question,

SEO is cost effective and long term strategy to get clients through search engines. For example, we are ranked with the keyword “ecommerce website packages” on Google USA. Because our target is to help customers who are looking for Ecommerce website solutions. Now, This keyword recieved for example 10 new visitors every day on a website. Do the math here, 10×30 = 300 visitors in a month! with just 1 keyword optimization. Assume now! 1% make a purchase from 300 which means only 1 keyword will bring 10 to 12 customers to your business in a year! How is that? 🙂 that’s the power of SEO.

How can I see if my website is indexed on Google?2023-12-27T15:44:39+00:00

It’s very easy to check your website indexing on search engine like GOOGLE. Just follow this, Type ( and see if your website coming up. For example, If you want to check our website then copy this “” and paste on! You will see all indexed pages.

Can I switch to another SEO Pricing package after 1 Month?2023-12-27T15:42:43+00:00

Yes, you can always upgrade our SEO pricing option based on your budget and business requirements.

Will I get keyword analysis and traffic report of SEO?2023-12-27T15:41:43+00:00

Absolutely Yes, We will send you a list of keywords based on your product and services along with traffic dynamics that helps you to examine the potential growth of your business.

What will we do in 1st Month of SEO?2023-12-27T15:40:36+00:00

We will do research and discovery to see the best possible ranking opportunities., Further, We will be doing a website audit, keyword strategy, and planning. If research and discovery can be done quickly, then technical changes may start being made to the website within the first month. In other cases, a thorough research and discovery phase can last more than one month.

Is there a minimum term contract?2023-12-27T15:39:34+00:00

Yes, We appreciate to have atleast 6 months contract for SEO services in order to achieve results.

Will my website gets rank on in the first month?2023-12-27T15:38:44+00:00

No, Because in a month we only apply changes to the website and start gaining backlinks and updating SEO based content on the website. It takes 3 months to show you progress in ranking. We are not giving guarantee for any ranking in 1-month services. Rather we will definitely show you progress report weekly basis.

Let’s Make Things Happen

Curabitur ac leo nunc. Vestibulum et mauris vel ante finibus maximus nec ut leo. Integer consectetur.

“The team at Avada Marketing Consultant is fabulous. They helped us unlock our potential online and offline. We have experienced year on year growth due to their progressive approach.”

George Anderson

Digitalbox CEO

Muhammad Shahzad Alamgeer
Digital Marketing Expert

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